Kirei Toilet - Studio HM

Kirei Toilet

Featured in BBC Documentary

Kirei is a bidet-integrated self-cleaning toilet which solves insanitary problems in the bathroom, to the ground. Its visual novelty and its new functions change the way we perceive toilets, from “filthy” to “luxury”. Similar to the idea of laundry machine or dish washerKirei washes its bowl by itself, and with its sterilizer lamp, it also keeps itself sanitized. This toilet not only cleans your buttock and toilet, but it consequently maintains the bathroom environment healthy. Its visual novelty as well as the new functionscategorizes its self into a new group of products, to change people’s routine into an easier thing.

How Kirei becomes an effective toilet is not simply by mingling new functions on a fresh outfit. How each components appear, and where they are allocated are all pertained to the solution to the existed problems. Because toilet has nothing but only one purpose, the structural form is very honest, and because of it’s minimal structure, every partsare heavily interrelated to each other.